Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy New Year!

Yes, yes, I know it's late February- but I haven't blogged about our lives since Christmas! Sheesh!
What have I been doing all this time?! Oh, right, working, chasing a toddler around, growing a baby AND knitting! No wonder I haven't blogged in over two months.

Here is a picture of me taken in early January, where I'm roughly six and a half months pregnant. I look totally different now and I'll post more recent pictures as I work my way through my back log of photos.

Back to the New was yours? We didn't do much as far as ringing in 2012, which was nice. We were both exhausted from the fall semesters at our jobs and flying though the holidays right after that. So if I remember correctly, we watched a little dvr and went to sleep. It was wonderful.

After our *huge* New Year celebration, I skipped town for a night to visit my even-more-pregnant friend Brooke. We met up halfway between our towns and spent a night talking. Oh, and we had a delicious, leisurely, child-free meal. The only thing missing was a nice bottle of wine...

As soon as I returned, we jumped in the car and drove to Santa Cruz to visit Adaline's Grandma and Grandpa. We took a long stroll along West Cliff Drive and enjoyed the fresh sea air. 

The next day we tried to go to a beach, but finding a beach was hard to do. This is a huge wave winter for the coast and most of the beaches were being sucked out by the currents. So we kept our distance and watched the 10-12 foot waves from the park in front of the beach. 

Grandpa checking out the waves

As soon as we returned from Santa Cruz, we went back to work. All in all, it was a great holiday break, but we were all exhausted by the end. As all you parents know, traveling is hard, but traveling with a child (and two dogs!) is even harder. 

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