Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to you! I hope you are able to spend today doing exactly what you want to be doing surrounded by people that you care about. Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Weekend Entertainment

At some point in the weekend, we run to the window to watch the backyard show.

It never gets old for any of us :)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Pictures Taken on November 12, 2011

Doesn't everyone harvest tomatoes in November?

This year's weather has really messed up Travis' tomato season. He didn't get any tomatoes until August and now it's November and the plant is STILL producing.

Granted, it's a monster plant...
Travis calls it his beanstalk...
It's so tall and heavy it pulled the support spike over.

 He planted six tomato plants this year, and only this one took off (thank goodness!) I love tomatoes as much as the next person, but could you imagine SIX of theses beasts?!