Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Central Coast Friends

While we were in Shell Beach we called up our local friends and begged them to come play with us.
I have known Brooke since our freshman year in college. We both have two young children so we jump at the chance to spend any time at all together, no matter how short it may be. This time, Brooke was able to bring her youngest over, whom we had yet to meet- and she was able to meet Spencer. After an hour of play time, we met up with her husband and older son for a few minutes before they had dinner with their the resort we were staying at! I love when life works out for all of us :)

Getting to know each other

Isn't he beautiful?

Pretty good pic for four adults and four young children :)

We were also able to catch up with our other good friends, Mike and Michelle and their darling girls for dinner and a walk on the pier. The last time we visited with the Phares family was our last trip to Avila Beach in 2011. I can't believe how much our families have grown!

Travis and Mike met in college, too- only fitting that we were both able to visit with our college friends!

We were reminded, yet again, that we have wonderful friends and that we were blessed with time to catch up with them in person. We keep in touch with social media, but nothing beats getting a real hug from a loved one that you haven't seen in over a year.

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