Monday, April 26, 2010

Work, work, work...

I'm on leave until July, but I CANNOT stop thinking about work.  I still check my emails, I talk to my coworkers, I worry about my cases.  How do I stop?  I just can't let it go and relax.  I love my time home with Adaline and I don't know how I'm going to return to work, but I can't seem to let go while I'm home.  Any suggestions from other moms that work outside the home?  Anything would help!


Brooke said...

For me, I have clung to work as one thing I can still control. Days with Sawyer can feel so reckless and chaotic, I'll desperately search for something I know I can get a handle on (if it's not work, I can get really controlling with Beau). When I become conscious of the work control freak coming out, I tell myself to chill out and be more comfortable going with the flow!!

Margo said...

Thanks, Brooke. I keep telling myself to leave work alone. They'll just have to survive without me. I'm not THAT important there :)

The Devanys said...

I, too, checked my emails constantly when I was home with my first one and hardly ever with my second. I think that it is the connection to the outside world that you feel with work. I also had no friends that stayed at home so I was missing out on all the social stuff as well. It will get easier to let go as time goes on. By the way, Adaline is just adorable!! Good job, Mom!!